Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fas (fetal Alcohol Syndrome) Does Jayden Federline Suffer From Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Or Some Other Developmental Disorder?

Does Jayden Federline suffer from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or some other developmental disorder? - fas (fetal alcohol syndrome)

The public has been seeing pictures of Jayden around May 2007, when he was 8 months. It was not a "people" or "Hello" cover deals with 'Enter' Jayden. There are no official pictures of Jayden before. She always looks confused and agitated, the tabloid photos and her face almost looks as if he had Down's syndrome. So far my internet searches have revealed that Jayden has Down syndrome, but the SAF, the fetal alcohol syndrome. Does anyone else know more about the development Jayden questions? "Someone in the family discussed Spears and Kevin Federline? Said in an interview on You Tube, Perez Hilton Shar Jackson, if they believed that children were particularly slow, or Britney and Shar's reaction was revealing. She did not speak, and how they evaded the question, he showed me that Perez in the way of something bigger than that, what he did was hit. What do you think? Is Britney by stress and melt the state debt arisingfrom Jayden?


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